Well, Michell and I had a few things to pick up for the house (little plastic shelves to organize stuff under the kitchen counter tops, extension cords, an AC adapter, and some planter pots for our garden) so we decided to head into Unitop, a local department store that sells very cheap products from China. I actually like Chinese-made stuff, and when I was in the US, I used to regularly get stuff shipped over from there. Now that I am in the Philippines, I no longer have to do that – I can just head over to good ole Unitop, Cangs, Tops and Bottoms, etc, in order to get my fix of structurally suspect, chemically-infused cheap Chinese goods!
We also tested the chest harness for the GoPro. I did a little too much spinning around in the store, so be careful watching it if you have vertigo. We also made another shopping video later on at the Hypermart supermarket. The videos are not overly exciting, but if you have not been to a department store in the Philippines, they will give you some idea of what to expect: Narrow aisles, brightly colored plastic goods, and equally brightly uniformed store staff.
I also got a chance to hang out with Henry from LifeBeyondtheSea last night, sharing a few drinks (and a pretty good pizza) at Garcias Restobar and equally good conversation.
The rain is kicking again, which is nice, as it brings the ambient temperatures down. Yesterday was sunny and a bit too hot and I had to turn on the AC for a bit while I was doing some office work in the afternoon. Still, with our smaller rooms (and smaller AC’s), we are spending less on electricity here than we were at Dumaguete Studio Apartments, which is nice. 🙂
Our Youtube channel continues to expand. This month alone, we went from 54 subscribers to just over 400 as of today. A lot of that is due to Henry recommending us on his Facebook page and Youtube starting to use us more in the Suggested Videos modules.
Here’s the Youtube vid of us shopping at Unitop: