Philippines Photo Montage 4.23.15

NOTE:  Michell and I wanted to thank everyone for conveying their condolences over the recent passing of her father.  It is very much appreciated and we are thankful for you all taking the time to post your kind and supportive comments.

We are also still working on getting footage of the house building for the families who were evicted while Michell was in Mindanao.  They (Nikki, Euie, Nano, et. al.) are now staying nearby and are acquiring a plot of land on which to build the house.  We will keep you updated as to how things went. 

And now here are some more photos that we have been taking of the sights to see around the Philippines.  We got a Sony Cybershot W300 a while back and have been trying to figure out how to use it – thus far without much success.  So, without any further ado, let’s get down to it.



Recognize this handsome fellow?  This was (rather obviously) taken at night along the boulevard and as you can see, we haven’t quite figured out the low-light settings yet.  Still haven’t, actually.  Got to work on the framing as well – the giant acacia tree growing out of my giant fore(five)head just isn’t cool.


Michell always makes photo look better, even when we were still working on the low-light settings.  The lights in the upper right side of the photo are of the port facility.  This was one of those nights on the boulevard that you don’t soon forget – the temperature was just right and a refreshing breeze was coming in over the seawall.  A perfect moment in the Philippines.   🙂


Ever take a photo you know you will be able to use to bribe someone in the not-too-distant future.  This is one of them.  I can hear it now, “Andrew, if you don’t stop jumping up and down on the roof, we are going to pass around that photo to all your school mates…..”


This was taken that morning that I took the morning video along the beach in Dumaguete.  Some fisherman had just come in and were clearing out their nets.  These particular little fish are very popular when dried and later fried.  Yep, they are one form of the dreaded and deadly dried fish…..  I still haven’t been successful in my attempts to actually eat some, but one day I will finally get past the smell and try this exotic delicacy.  


I framed this one with the sun in the background on purpose.  I thought it would be cool to see the fisherman silloutted against the morning sun, and I think it came out pretty well.  I will probably next need to learn how to use Photoshop or some other photo editing software to work on contrast and all that….


I went down to the market one morning to test out the new camera shortly after we got it.  I took a LOT of shots there and was playing around with the settings a lot.  Some of the photos came out pretty well, some of the others not so much….  Fruit is plentiful in the Philippines.  It is much more expensive than the vegetables here, and the apples aren’t subjected to the chemicals and polishing that Western apples are subjected to, so they aren’t as big and shiny.  Still good, though…

Ate has here wares out for early morning shoppers.  The public market in Dumaguete is divided into four basic sections  – the wet market (fish, beef, pork), produce market (veggies and fruits), the carrendaria/resto area,  and the dry goods market where you can get a haircut, shop for hammocks,  or buy some pirated DVDs and “Oakley” sunglasses.  Most of public markets in the Philipppines have the same basic layout.


The price of rice has really gone up in the past five years.  I have a photograph somewhere from five years past when rice was in the 20-30 peso per kilo range.  You can also see how SERIOUSLY Filipinos take their rice – there are all kinds of different strains, with some high end boutique varieties going for over 50 pesos a kilo.  Being a Westerner with dead taste buds,  I can’t notice the difference.  😉 


I can’t really tell if this is beef or pork (or monitor lizard, for that matter).   Pigs are buthered out fresh every morning in the wet market and EVERY part of the pig is later put up for sale.  This is where I got to see the source material for sisig getting all set up – basically, they just carve all the meat off the pigs face.  Sounds rough, but it’s actually pretty dang good once it’s spiced up and fried.  Ummmmm – lami!


All kinds of fresh fish and shellfish are available in the Dumaguete wet market – most of it available at rock-bottom prices.  The friendly workers there will fillet the fish to your specifications.


I think – think – these are tuna steaks.  The best meal I have ever had in my life was made by Daisy (Ozzie Peter’s better half) who put together a kinilaw (cerviche) of yellow fin tuna that they caught that day in Siaton and fresh coconut, homemade vinegar and organic herbs.  I was not too fond of Filipino up to that point, but it ALL changed after tasting that kinilaw.   🙂


Some sort of mollusk.  The name is on the tip of my tongue…. I think they are a variety of conch.  Got to grab some and cook ’em up sometime….


This was actually staged.  The poor guy was taking a break when I came by with the camera and the woman behind him told him to chop for a photo.


This is how the fish arrive in the morning – shipped in on little Suzuki multicabs from all the corners of Negros.  Yeah – good stuff


Simply further proof that Filipino kids are the cutest in the whole entire world.  Just saying……


This was taken with our cellphone while we were at Tumolog Falls in Oslob.  Earlier we had swam with the whale sharks, and the falls were just a hop, skip and jump from there.  The whale sharks and Tumalog Falls are a great day trip from Dumaguete or Cebu!

This is the view from atop the restaurant at Harold’s Mansion.  We usually come here one night a week for some good food (usually their pizza which in my humble opinion are the best in Dumaguete).  The evening view with the sun setting behind Mt. Talinis is simply gorgeous.   I love this place!  Harold’s Mansion is also where I got my scuba certification – ‘sup Ching-Ching?  😉



Surf’s up at the Dumaguete waterfront.  This is “amihan” season, marked by the Trade Winds that come in from the east and make everything simply gorgeous.  What a day this was…. 

Euie and Nikki were over one day and I was wondering about the sticks they had in their hair.  Michell explained that they use them as inexpensive and readily available hair curlers.  Organic AND biodegradable – a definite Win-Win.



Back view of the hair curling stems – can someone tell me what they are?  I forgot…..

IMG_20150308_053459Michell picking up some pasalubong (travel gifts) for her family as she was on her way home for her father’s birthday.  The whole family was really fortunate to be able to spend time with him and he told them all that his happiest moments are when they are all together.



  1. So you have trees sticking out of your head, and M pics come out fine ? Odd ? The food is great there. We just purchase a case of yellow imported mangos, at $12 USD per case / $534 php !!! for about 12 or 13 of them!! They are super though! Got a lot of great photos there for a short period of time.(Life!)….Nice trips you two have been on; Sorry again for loss of M father. tc ttys

  2. I love the pictures, good camera. Sorry to hear about Michell’s loss. Hope she can turn her sadness to happy memories of her dad soon .Just to honor him by remembering him.

    You two look so happy togehter. Love to follow you.

  3. Very sorry to hear about Michell’s loss. That is a tough one. She will be in our prayers.
    We both enjoy your pictures and thank you for posting them. You both take care of yourselves and each other.

  4. Life doesn’t seem fair sometimes. My condolences on your loss Michell and Ned. I can tell Michell’s father was a wonderful person by the daughter he raised. Take time to grieve and then live a wonderful life which is what he would have wanted.

    Beautiful vibrant pictures, it helps when you have excellent subjects :-).

  5. Sorry for your families loss .
    I have just found ur site I live in England with my wife who is philippino. We have a condo in Sucat and we are both coming home soon, we both think u have a great site. Keep taking those great photos cheers Leo and Leona

  6. I know it stinks losing your Dad. Mine died suddenly while away on travels. Had not seen him for years and was finally going to be able to when he died. Lost a lot there.

    If there ever were a silver lining or a positive side, Michelle at least got to be with her Dad one last time before he passed away. That is a gift from God who let that happen. It hurts to have him gone but you do have the last time with him to remember and I hope it was a good visit.


    1. Yes, that is one thing to be definitely grateful for – The whole family was able to get together for his birthday. I think that’s the best gift that one could ever hope for.

  7. I’m so appreciative of you and Michelle vlogs. I have spent so much time researching PI, amd bu love your delivery of info. Infact, I want to come to Dumaguete to check it out

    1. Dumaguete is very expat friendly. In my very humble opinion, it is kind of like “Philippines Lite” to a prospective world traveler. Just don’t visit in April or May. Too hot! Actually, I just saw that you are from Louisiana, so that might not apply. 🙂

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