In case you haven’t figured it out yet, I am not much of a photographer. There’s a certain science to it what with framing and lighting and Rules of Three (which sounds like something out of Tolkien) that I just can’t seem to wrap my bald head around. Worse yet, is that there seems to be a ARTISTRY to the whole thing – adn with me unable to draw simple stick figures, I just have to assume that I am totally screwed with the whole endeavor.
Nevertheless, yours truly will continue to plug away at it. We just had a subscriber friend bring us a Cybershot W300 that I had purchased on eBay. It’s 18 MP and has a 20X optical zoom and all kinds of other buttons and switches, and I have been trying to get comfortable using it. I am sure it is capable of amazing shots – it’s just a failing of operator at this point.
This is a photo I took down at Rizal Boulevard. The ship was waaaaaay out in the disance, so I cranked out to maximum zoom. It’s hard to hold it steady and not get a blurry shot when zooming to this magnification, so next time I will bring a selfie stick to use as a monopod. The ship is registered in Cambodia – maybe it’s a pirate.
This gentleman soothes the strollers on the Dumaguete boulevard with the cool sounds of his saxaphone. He has been working down here ever since I arrived and isn’t pushy when it comes to asking for donations. So if ya see him, toss him some jink, eh?
Here’s is my significantly better half in front of the “I Love Dumaguete” sign down on the boardwalk. I have heard that there are not too many boulevards right next to the water like there are in Dumaguete, and the one we have here is a definite charmer – it’s soooo nice to come down as the heat of the day is fading and just relax and people watch.
Sunset reflecting off the clouds over the boardwalk (with bonus time-stamp doh!). Yeah, life is the Philippines is so tough…..
The acacia trees along the boulevard are simply gorgeous. Draped in thick green ivy, these enormous behemoths stand guard along the whole of the waterfront. Dumaguete is actually home to quite a few of these trees – the Siliman University area in particular has a good number of them. They seem to be protected, as just south of Cebu City there is one that is literally in the National Road (highway).
A young woman sitting on the seawall with unshared thoughts. I was using the zoom with this shot as well. The seawall is a good place to just sit on and soak up the calm of the early evening.
Low tide with some sort of mossy algae stuff revealed on the rocks. I gotta work on my exposure settings.
A banca up on blocks with the hometown shingle.
This was zoomed as well. This is one of the fast ferries that zip between Dumaguete and Cebu City and/or Siquior. They are fast little things with outriggers, but I have heard it sometimes good to take some Dramamine before stepping aboard one.
A local lady with her pug.
These gals were serenading folks walking along the boulevard. It’s usually for a fundraiser of some sort or just for their college fund. Donations are accepted.
Michell packed up and ready to visit her family in Mindanao. This is around 530 AM and she’s looking a little tired. The blue plastic bags are filled with “pasalubong” – edible gifts to hand out to her friends and family when she arrives.
Michell’s ferry silhouetted against the early morning sunrise.
And finally, sometimes the Philippines is all puppies and rainbows. This little guy was passing by on a trike and his Filipina owner let me snap the pic.
Hey Ned, my wife Rhoda and I have been following you and Michell for quite a while now. We live in Canada, Rhoda is also from Mindanao, Mainit which is in the northern part on the shores of Lake Mainit. We were in Dumaquette a few years ago and it is nice to revisit some of the places that you have shown on youtube. My nice went to Siliman Unversity and graduated with a degree in Nursing which really has’t done her a lot of good yet. She needs to get some more experience in that field so she can go overseas right now she is working in a call center in Cebu.
Anyway the reason I am writing is because a few years ago I had a siatica problem it just happened all of a sudden just by twisting the wrong way. I went to see my doctor he jabbed me in my pupper right leg and I went right down on my knees. He told me I had what you have now. He froze an area in my thigh gave me a shot of cortisone and I have been good ever since. I don’t know if this would do the trick for you but it may be worth a shot. A sad case of humour there. Anyway take care, hopefully this will help.
C&R Nieuwland
Dang – sorry for taking MONTHS to respond to this – it got stuck in our spam folder somehow. I just actaully had a cortisone/steroid shot into my L4 a few weeks ago. The nerve pain went away immediatly and so far, so good. And you are right – there are so many nursing grads in the Philippines that it is hard for them to find employment – a lot of them have to volunteer at hospitals just in order to get some experience. Thanks for checking us out and apologies again for not getting back to you sooner!!
Dang – sorry for taking MONTHS to respond to this – it got stuck in our spam folder somehow. I just actaully had a cortisone/steroid shot into my L4 a few weeks ago. The nerve pain went away immediately and so far, so good. And you are right – there are so many nursing grads in the Philippines that it is hard for them to find employment – a lot of them have to volunteer at hospitals just in order to get some experience. Thanks for checking us out and apologies again for not getting back to you sooner!!
Great stuff Ned and Michell, that boulevard has some magical trait. Strolling along on any particular evening with a significant other in tow will make any Kano readjust his thinking about all things in life.
How about some pics of the airport Ned, showing us followers how it extends into the sea. Makes for an interesting landing as well!
Thanks both of you for allowing us a peek into your lives there.
It doesn’t really extend into the sea – it kinda stops right at the edge of the land. It does make for a short landing area though…..
seeing the photo of the ferry and your wife getting on the ferry reminds me of the old john lee hooker song. I cover the water front.
enjoy the photo’s, have a friend there. visiting in oct.
Keep it up love what your doing!
Thanks, William. She is not actually my wife, but that might change at some point in the future. 🙂
My wife and I enjoy all the media content and commentary that you provide Ned. We’re here in California and have been married since August of 1991, and are planning to retire to her province in Su-ay, Himamaylan. Being the kano in the family, I’m doing my due diligence not to be the ugly American once I get there. So your Blog and You-Tube channel has proved invaluable to me. So anyway, this is my way of introducing myself and to hope you continue to do what you’re doing. Thanks. -Tom
Well, thanks for that, Tom. Some days are easier than others for not being the Ugly American. When it gets real hot and I get real frustrated, I make sure to lock myself away somewhere before it gets too bad. 🙂 Thanks again for the kind words. It is appreciated.