Back in Dumaguete!

No truth in advertising in the Philippines

Well, after two months down on the beach in Dauin, Michell and I are back in Dumaguete.  I will miss the sound of the ocean and the beautiful sunrises every morning there, but after living on the beach in the Philippines for a bit, I have learned that I am the type of guy who actually likes screens in the windows and being a bit closer to the city.  The bugs were sooooo bad down there.  It’s a wonder at this point that I haven’t contracted malaria or dengue.  And that’s not even taking into account the giant flying beetles that God must have been drinking when he designed them – they are very poor flyers, tend to smash into walls and windows, and then squirm pathetically on their backsides until you rescue them.


Ain’t no tow trucks, either……..

We are staying where we first started, at Dumagute Studio Apartments.  The owner said that he was reducing the rent by $100 US, but that never actually materialized, so we are apartment/house hunting once again.  Michell started work this past Friday and will most likely be working the graveyard shift, so we need a two bedroom.  Right now she is staying in a boarding house (a nice one, actually) as having two people on different shifts in a single room is not a good arrangement, but it will be nice when we have a place that we can share (as I still can’t cook).

Yeah, my gal has a job working nights on the boulevard!! OK, that jokes getting a little old.  She is working for an international company that provides real estate support services to agencies in the US from the Philippines.  The pay is pretty durn good and gets better and she continues to prove herself over time.  I told her that she needs to make lots of money in order to support me in the manner that I have become accustomed to!

So all in all, things are looking pretty dang good.

Take care all!

Got my first flat – more about this in the next post…..


  1. Glad things are going well and Michel got a good job! I have been following your blog/misadventures for a few weeks now as my wife and I are planning to retire in the Philipines. Kinda backwards to most as my wife is from the Philipines (a teacher there actually) and has just gotten her Canadian citizen ship while landing a great job here. Learning all we can and thanks to people like yourself who have provided valuable information regarding the transition/move. Big advantage to me as my wife is already familiar with country/customs etc as an expat.
    Take care and thanks for doing what you do.


    1. Thanks much, Wayne. And yeah, that is kinda backwards but if it’s what you two want to do, have at it! And you could always have a place in both countries at some point and alternate between the two. Good luck and keep us updated as to how your adventure plays out!

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