Our Community Support Projects Donation Tracking

Updated as of November 16, 2017



Follow the kids’ house construction costs!  https://myphilippinedreams.com/kids-house-construction-costs/

New donation kitty balance:  $698.75  (See latest donors and amounts by scrolling to the bottom of this article.)

We have a Paypal Donation button on our website for those who feel like remunerating us for the value provided by our blog and YouTube channel and also to help with operating (hosting, etc.) costs.  Since we are not a charity, I take most of that vast majority of what we receive and apply it to what I call our “community work” programs.  That is, projects such as our monthly Spaghetti-fests, the construction of the “Kid’s House” in Balugo for the families evicted from our neighborhood (Mama K, Jun-Jun, Nikki, Nano, Euie, etc.) and the occasional Jollibee party for the kids in our neighborhood.

Again, we are not a charity – we just take the money donated to us for the service value of our websites and redirect it towards these community projects.

In order to provide transparency, I am going to list out all the donations on this page that have gone to these community work programs.  I WILL NOT be listing any of your personal information – just the dates and the amounts.  (Note:  As time went on, I actually started adding first name, last initial to the date and amount donated.)

Accountability is VERY important for us – that is why we have gone to the lengths we have to track all of the incoming and outgoing funds.

We will also keep and post all receipts for the stuff we get.  


As of 2/7/15


Total:  $114.00 USD for Candy and School Supply Fund



*Updates for Jollibee Party and House Building 2/13/15 to 2/15/15 (Pacific Standard Time as noted by Paypal).

50 (x3)
25 (x5)
20 (x5)
15 (x3)
10 (x9)
5 (x4)
Total:  $743.42 minus Paypals $35.68 “cut” of what appears to be 4.2% = $707.74 USD

PLUS $22 (1,000 peso party donation hand-delivered by T&V – thanks for the choco and maple syrup as well!)

TOTAL FOR TIME PERIOD 2/13 to 2/15/15  $729.74

* This update is just ONLY up to 2/15/15 as tabulated by Paypal’s Pacific Standard Time.  More donations have come into the kitty since and I will be adding those soon.


**Updates for Jollibee Party and House Building 2/16/15 to 2/18/15 (Pacific Standard Time as noted by Paypal.

30 (x3)
25 (x2)
20 (x3)
10 (x3)
Total: $654.86 minus PayPal’s $26.20 “cut” = $628.66

PLUS $22 (another 1,000 peso hand-delivered donation from T&V for the house building project)

TOTAL FOR TIME PERIOD 2/16 to 2/18/15 = $650.66

** This update is ONLY from 2/16/15 to 2/18/15 as tabulated by Paypal’s Pacific Standard Time. 

3/16/15  Donation by Ned and Michell towards the house building:  $200

SUM TOTAL OF DONATIONS 2/13/15 to 2/18/15 = 1,580.40

   Jollibee Party:  $200
   House Building: $1,380.40
       (Plus, we still have the $114 donated before 2/13/15 for the Candy and School Supply Fund)


Jollibee Party for the 30 kids and their parents is going to be about $200 USD – that is already covered.

House Building fund will shut down once it reaches about $1,000 USD. (That is more than covered as of 2/19/15.)

Thanks again to all who have donated (and those who can’t afford to but would if they could)!  🙂




Extra Donations for June 2015


50  x3
40  x2
25  x2
10  x4

TOTAL $692.78

PayPal’s cut is .30 cents per donation plus 2.9% which equals:  $5.70 and $20.09 – $25.79

Total Usable Donations  $667


Donations 6/21/15 to 7/29/15  – Date/Amount/Donor’s First Initial

6/30 20 (A.)
7/11  100 (R.)
7/16 50 (N.)
7/18 50 (N.)
7/18 100 (S.)  
7/19 50 (D.)  House warming party for kids
7/26 25 (P.)
7/28 45 (R.)

Total “Kitty” Balance Available:  $440

8/12 50 (S.)

Total “Kitty” Balance Available:  $490
Minus $122 8/13/15 House Construction Costs – interior fittings
Minus $88 8/20/15 House Construction Costs – Exterior skim coat
Minus $66  8/8/15   Michell and Dina’s Second Spaghetti Fest for Homeless Kids

Total “Kitty” Balance Available as of 8/27/15  $214

New Donations
8/15    Steven 50
8/29   Steven 100
9/1      Ronald 55
9/13    Robert 50

Total “Kitty” Balance Available as of 9/13/15  $469

8/29/15 $45  House construction – interior amakan fitting
9/8/15  $74 House construction – more interior amakan fitting
9/12/15  $30  House construction – final fitting.

Total Kitty Balance Available as of 9/14/15:  $302 USD

11/16/15 $20 donated by Peter B.

12/20/15 $82 donated by Thomas N. (4,000 pesos – $82 was after Paypals’s xchange rate)

Total Kitty Balance Available as of 12/20/15:  $404USD

12/25/15 Christmas MacDonald’s Feeding with Bud Brown
Total:  3,800 pesos/$80 USD.  
$40 dollars taken from “Kitty” and $40 donated by Ned and Michell.
You can see the video on this over at Bud Brown’s You Tube channel here.

Christmas 2015 MacDo Feeding  Receipt Full Size (1328 x 747)

Total Kitty Balance Available as of 1/2/16:  $364 USD

Latest:  Here is the receipt from the Jollibee party we had for the neighborhood kids that we had on April 3, 2016.  This was cool as it gave the kids in our neighborhood AND the kids that moved to the house in Balugo.  We also passed out most of the goodies (toys, clothes and school supplies) that were donated by the high school students in Texas.  The total cost of the party was 7,130 peso/$156 USD.  We paid for half of that, and we took the other half out of the $364 “kitty” subscriber donation balance noted above. 

Jollibee receipt 3 22 16

Total Kitty Balance Available as of 4/22/16:  $286 USD

Thanks again to all those who donated!
10/8/16  $100  Donated by Henry  W.

Total Kitty Balance Available as of 10/9/16:  $386


Christmas Spagehetti-Fest with Bud Brown, Michell, Jun Jun, Nikki and Nano.

120 MacDo Spaghetti Meals disbursed to the poor of Dumaguete on Christmas Day
Total Cost:  6,592 pesos/ $134.50 
Michell and I put in $30 ourselves and took $104 from the donation kitty balance.

Here’s the receipts for the Spaghetti-Fest.


New donation kitty balance:   $282 ($386-$104) as of 12/26/16.

12/27/16  Henry W.  $105.55
12/28/16  Randall S.  $200

New donation kitty balance:  $587.55 USD

2/7/17  Donn L.  $35

New donation kitty balance:  $622.55

Spaghetti-Fest 2.11.17 w/Bud Brown, Jun-Jun, Nikki and Nano  7065 pesos/ $144.20

Michell and I donated 1,000 towards the event, so 6,065/ $123.80 came out of the donation kitty balance.

New donation kitty balance:  $498.75


Huw W.  $200

New donation kitty balance:  $698.75


  1. So happy to see you’ve finally got a way that we can donate to you via Paypal! Can’t wait to see the fruits on my modest contribution.

  2. Hi Ned & Michelle..it’s very nice of you guys to be helping the kids.i have been watching your utube vids for the past year…thanks for sharing..take care,nel

  3. Hi Ned,,,I can’t find the donate button,,,maybe it’s covered up by the advertisement that I can’t remove,,,lol

    1. I won’t be adding the “Donate” button back until we actually need funding for a specific event or purchase. We are finalizing the Jollibee party for the kids and their parents, so I should be putting that one up within a week or so. And if you are in Dumaguete and want to go, just let us know!

  4. Dear Ned,

    I will be happy to contribute once I see your donate button reappear.
    I have some banking questions that I just cannot figure out on my own or online; may I email them to you and, when you have time and at your convenience, could you give me your best guess as to an answer or share any experience you have with me?


    Atlanta, GA

    1. Ned,

      Okay, I guess you do not want to be bothered with my banking questions. I completely understand.
      I will still look forward to donating and helping those adorable children. What you and Michell are doing is wonderful.


      Atlanta, GA

  5. Ned, Why don`t you leave the donation link up all the time, there has got to be more people to help and more things to buy. Think BIG my friend! Love you and Michelle, and it is a blessing to see what you are up too. Good Luck!

  6. Thanks guys for helping the kids. I bet it feels good to give back to them for the joy they bring to you. That Pay Pal is so easy except for the 4.2% for non profits come on Pay Pal throw us a bone. Hope we can all get on board with this House building thing. For all the Phil Dreams followers, please put in a couple bucks for the kids hut. Just eat in one night and remember the kids terrific personalities and what that place will mean to them.

  7. Michell and Ned, My meager contribution may have taken it over the top. I wished I could have given more. Plankton… Michell must tire of your diminutive sarcastic and snide remarks. It was funny at first, guffawing out so loud. I was startled at myself and probably my next door neighbor. A gem it was. Hilarious. A New York minute has passed and the guilt subsided. Composure regained. She may be small in stature, but she is big hearted. Her smile lights up the room. A multi-tasking girlfriend that has Rusi scooter for a ride. Ned, you are lucky and blessed. Green with envy I am. Keep up the good work………….EQB

  8. Nice to see the donate button I never knew was down…..and then back up. Primarily because I have mooched your videos for a couple years but never hit the website. This site has been a tremendous help to me understanding Philippine culture, the ins and outs of online dating with a woman in the Philippines, ( we are doing great by the way..she is coming here to see me in Montana in February and I will be back over in June). Kind of reverse of what I should be doing but I never claimed to be brilliant. Meaning I should be going there in February and bringing her here in June. One suggestion with my meager monthly contribution, and you may have done this and I have not seen it, but talk about the process of annulments in the Philippines and how many older women are separated but can not come to the US for marriage unless they get an annulment. Of course the cost makes it impossible for most women to hire an attorney, ( except if they work for GMA or Vice Ganda or something). Anna and I are going through this right now but I am sure it would be helpful to other guys meeting women over there. If you have already covered this point me in the right direction and tell me to read before I ask for stuff. Anyway, glad I found donate…worthy cause. The information is great and the kids are cute as hell.

  9. Just discovered this today. I would love to help any child learn or get a roof over there head. Not so much with giving candy though 🙂

    1. Haha – thanks, Jack. We are not currently doing any charitable works right now, so don’t worry about donating. We also have about 300 USD in the “kitty,” and we are going to use that when we have the next party for the neighborhood. Take care, man.

  10. I hate to sound like (okay, be) a cheapskate, but is there some way around PayPal? I think I heard somewhere that Philippine banks cash American checks. True? That would cost me a stamp, I know. But at least it won’t cost you 2.9% or whatever pound of flesh PayPal wants. Oh, wait a sec, maybe you don’t want to give out your address. Didn’t think of that.

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