
Siaton, Negros Oriental

We ventured down to the Kookoo’s Nest after hearing many folks raving about the location and the good food.  It’s a good thing we did, as it all proved to be true.  The last part of road to Kookoo’s is a little sketchy but someone without back issues will probably won’t feel anything but postitive vibes as they eat up the view.

Filmed November 2015 on our GoPro Hero 2.

While we were at Kookoo’s Nest, I took the time to film a short video on my own personal journey to the Philippines.  It got some chuckles from our viewers.  🙂


Cove Sands Beach Resort, Siaton, Negros Oriental



  1. Ned, Michell,
    thank you for yr work with Philippine Dreams.
    very in formative. I need to learn all I can since I will
    be moving to Dumaguite in a few months to be with my Philippine wife.
    ive only visited Manila for a week. THAT WAS INSANE!
    I sent $25 to be used the way you see fit.
    my wife owns a small store in Manila, thus the visit there.
    after seeing a lot of places around Dumaguite, we have decided that will
    be a good place to start our own dream. thanx again chuck

    1. Thanks for the donation, Chuck! We’ll put it to good use. Yeah, Dumaguete is an easy place to start one’s Philippine Adventure. I call it “Philippines Lite” as it is very visitor friendly – especially for newly arrived noobs like myself. 🙂

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