

  1. I have learned a lot about Dumaguete from your website. Me and my wife visit my brother-in-law yearly. He was a radio commentator in agriculture and passed away last week. Your projects (Jollibee party and relocation) seem noble. But I think you are creating parasites out of these people. We did the same things before and we were spending our own money too. I would advise you to keep your eyes open and observe. Good luck with your projects and hope you get better outcome.

    1. You only let yourself be used if you let yourself be used. And we are not the only ones who are helping out – their Filipino neighbor (who lives in Australia now) is allowing them to squat on the empty lot next to where they are getting evicted from. That’s just how it works here – people help out other people when they can. And yeah, we have spent a lot of our own money on toys and food and candy, but I don’t regret it one bit – heck, I’ve spent lots more money on much worse things in my life. And I can’t look at the kids and see parasites. Two of the parents work – one in Manila as that is the only place she could find steady work and the other as a delivery man – both work for Filipino wages which barely keeps them above the poverty line here.

      1. There are parasites wherever you go in the world! It really is nice though to make a difference in someones life…maybe put a smile on a kids face! Good on you!

  2. Ned and Michell,

    Like Roger, I contributed some cash to the kid’s house, but do not see it anywhere.
    Am I looking in the correct place? I am excited to see how your fund-raising winds up for their house.

    God bless.


    Atlanta, GA

  3. fyi…donated…great project u are doing!! Keep up the good work!! 🙂

    PS….plse send me email if u don’t get it!!! thx!!

  4. Ned and Michelle great helping these kids and their parents. Would like to donate let me know if you open it up again. Watch your web site on a regular basis. By the way I understand you are going back to Boston. It should be thawed out by then.

  5. Oh by the way over the coming weekend temps around here (Connecticut) could be as cold as minus 10 below. Crazy weather. Ice Station Zebra around here. Oh well pitcher and catchers start this Friday in Florida.

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