Nearly 90 days in the Philippines!


Casaroro Falls – Valencia, Negros Oriental


OK, so it’s been nearly 90 days – yes NINETY DAYS – since your intrepid world traveler stepped off a 747 into the dizzying madness that is the Republic of the Philippines.  In that short time I have eaten the best meal of my life (fresh kinilaw), the worst food of my life (boiled chicken necks), purchased a motorcycle (sweet ride) and truck (semi-lemon), met a long time internet chat mate, fallen in love, been attacked by a killer sea urchin, ingested four different types of antibiotics, had my lower back go out twice, learned a little of the local language (Bisaya), experienced the most stunning sunrises and sunsets imaginable and finally realized that this is hands down the most beautiful place I have ever seen.  Moreover, I have come to the conclusion that it is not just the place where you are – it’s the people that you are with.  And the people of the Philippines are the country’s real treasure.  I think I mentioned in a previous post that when I got here, I had to learn to smile again.  Where I came from, people passing in the street never made eye contact, much the less actually smiled at each other.  And although it really has been beaten to death in other blogs, Filipinos truly take the concept of friendliness to a whole other level.  And I guess – when all is said and done –  there are worse stereotypes that one can attribute any group of folks on a national level.
Twin Lakes Park – North of Sibulan, Negros Oriental.
Anyhoo, I will be devoting the next handful of blog entries into some of the impressions I have made during my nearly 90 days here in the islands – the good, the bad, and the basically unfathomable.  Stay tuned, loyal subscriber, as I try to compile my notes, wrack my brain, and attempt to put random thoughts to the printed page.
Actual road sign on Negros – to the Left is a 200 meter cliff.

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