Malatapay Market – Negros Oriental

Beach at Malatapay.

Michell and I headed off to Malatapay, a barangay (village) in Zamboguita, a township just 5 KMs south of Dauin.  A pretty big market is held there every Wednesday complete with assorted meats, vegetables and fruit stands, ukay-ukay stores (used clothing imported from foreign countries – kinda like Goodwill in the US), dry goods (handmade bolo machetes, clothes, shoes, toys, etc), and a truly chaotic livestock market where local farmers are looking to unload their cows, pigs, goats, chickens, and just about anything else with feathers, furs and a pulse.

Pretty fresh tobacco.
Michell and I were attending our regular Wednesday afternoon picnic with a bunch of other expats and their wives/girlfriends/kids, so we bought a kilogram of lechon baboy (barbequed pig) for 450 pesos ($10 USD).  Michell later made a dipping sauce out and the baboy was simply deee-lish. 
Lechon baboy – food of the gods.
Like all markets here in the Philippines, the Malatapay market opens very early (around 5 AM) and if you are not there by 10 AM or so, you won’t be getting the good BBQ.  There is also some places along the beach where you can bring the fish or meat you have purchased and have the cooks sear it up for a nice meal along the cool, breezy beach.
Handmade bamboo furniture.
Handmade bolo machetes – a real man’s pocket knife.
Can have enough flip flops.
Cock-centric Menage a trois.
Bad day to be a fish.
We didn’t eat this part.
Michell modeling woven bags.
Cool Suzuki muticab.
Ukay-ukay – used clothes.


  1. Hi Ned and Michell
    I ask you both is there very,very cheap rent for a very,very small apt’s like and studio and 1 bedroom apt’s ? And i ask you both wich is cheaper ? And is a land line wired at home internet and how much is is it every month and i ask you both what internet providers in down town Davao City province of del Sur Philippines are there ? I live in the city of Oshkosh, state of Wisconsin USA . I have a women in my life now for little over 2 years now . And sometime I will be going to Davao City province of del Sur Philippines . But I do not know yet when I go there yet .

    1. Check out apartment prices on Wired internet is about 2,000 pesos a month but is only available in urban areas – rural spots have to rely on wireless internet which is very unreliable. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help and good luck to you!

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