Escaping to Dauin to Beat the Philippines Heat (GoPro Dive Housing Test)

So the hot temperatures are continuing, and we have been occasionally hitting the beach in the afternoon to take advantage of the cool ocean breezes and get out of our sweltering concrete box that is our apartment.  Most times we hop on down to the beach at Dauin, which lies about 20 KM south of Dumaguete.  It’s not a pristine white sand beach like you see in the travel brochures, but it suits our purposes just fine.  Entry is about a dollar for the two of us and snorkeling in the marine sanctuary costs about another dollar each (that is, when the attendant is awake to actually collect the fees).
This past Sunday we went down with Henry from the Youtube channel, Life Beyond the Sea.  He was a big part of my coming to the Philippines, and if you are interested in the same, be sure to check out his channel as he has about a gazillion videos up about life here.  He was accompanied by his girlfriend, April, her niece, and her adorable daughter, Maricon, who is about a year old.  It was Henry’s first time snorkeling and he took to it like the proverbial isda (fish) to tubig (water).
April’s daughter – Maricon – so cute!
Dauin is frequented mostly by Filipino families looking for a break from the heat, and it is nice to see everyone running around and having a good time.  The grills are usually burning and the succulent smell of barbecued beasties is usually wafting about.  There is also a little store there where you can buy sodas, coffee, beer and bags of chips.
Mermaid on my back
My buddy Ricardo had just returned to Dumaguete after a month in the States, and he was kind enough to bring back some things for me, one of them being a dedicated dive housing for my GoPro 2.  I shot some video with it and the difference between the dive housing and the standard GoPro housing is night and day.  Check out the videos below if you want to see some fishes (Nemo among them). He also brought a copy of Borderlands 2 Game of the Year for my PS3, and poor Michell has basically become a Borderlands widow.
We stayed at the beach until about 5 PM then headed back to the city to switch on the AC and watch the electric meter do somersaults (electricity here is about twice the cost of the states).

All in all, another beautiful day here in the Philippines!

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